Ideal for refreshing your palate on a hot and sunny summer day, the ceviche (sometimes also written as cebiche, sebiche or seviche) is a dish of fresh fish or seafood futti (or a combination of both) widespread in Latin America, especially in coastal areas of the Pacific. Probably native of Peru, where it is formally regarded as the nation's cultural heritage, the ceviche can find many other variations in ingredients which may vary by region or personal taste, although in every case it's really delicious and hearty meals that often, as tradition dictates, are tasted at the table concomitantly with a glass of beer just as fresh. The combination of fish and seafood with some spices like chili and coriander, make the dish a real delicacy. Cheviche similar dishes derived from what he has achieved great popularity may require the use of red meat, seafood, shellfish or vegetables that sostiuiscono the fresh seafood. The most common type of cheviche consists of small cubes of fish mixed with salt and lemon, the preparation can be performed according to the tastes of the guests: lenguado, pejerrey, mackerel, sardines, grouper, trout and many other types of fish are the ingredients that make the dish delicious and very refreshing. Among the various versions, the mixed provides, in addition to fresh fish, an addition of sweet potatoes and a decoration of lettuce, as well as to emphasize the taste, help to give the dish a more pleasing appearance. Ceviche of black shell, ceviche of shrimp, octopus and mushrooms are the different types of recipes that can occur between different versions of ceviche. |