Beef Stroganoff
A popular dish of hearty Russian cuisine made with slices of beef thinly sliced and sauteed in a hot sauce that, like Smetana or sour cream, helps to give the dish a fragrant and delicate flavor. Easy to prepare and very delicious, the filet of beef stroganoff, (whose name is apparently refer to one of the members of the Stroganov aristocratic family), is ideal for a dinner in the company thanks to the stylish presence that characterizes and is a case that has spread to various parts of the world: the fall of Imperial Russia after the revolution of 1917, they dispersed the customs of the Russian nobility in various countries. So it was that the recipe was popularly spread in hotels and restaurants of China before the Second World War, and then spread gradually to other countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia, Hong Kong and Portugal. Become so popular around the world, the recipe varies considerably differing from the original course. In the late fifties, for example, the pot is distributed in Hong Kong, where the dish was served with rice and without sour cream. In the U.S. version, however, local restaurants have the dish made with strips of beef fillet with mushrooms, onions and sour cream sauce, and is usually served as an accompaniment to rice or pasta. Similar to the recipe of the United States are those of Australia and Great Britain, where the dishes are served with the addition of white wine or a teaspoon of sour cream over beef stew. The Brazilian variant, yet includes meat into cubes or strips (usually filet mignon), accompanied by tomato sauce, onions, mushrooms and heavy cream and, sometimes, also in Brazil, the plate is accomplished by replacing the beef with chicken and shrimp. |