The Marina
A hold, the harbour of Laborone, which Cicerone himself spoke about, already existed two thousand years ago, and it was suitable to repair particular fast and little boats called liburne. Such a hold, just called Liburna in that period, maybe constitutes the origin of the city. During the first centuries Before Christ, the inhabitants, who took over near the natural harbour, were, first of all, fishermen and they were under the Pisan influence, in turn an important commercial harbour. In 1620 has been built the Molo Mediceo, so that the Porto Mediceo has been created by widening the capabilities of the call that before was limited untill the Darsena Vecchia. The transported goods storing system, which led, in 1675, to the building of a portofranco by its development, marked the beginning of the great commercial prosperity of Livorno as an iternational call and market.
The quality of Porto Franco was lost by Livorno during the italian unification in 1861. The building of the imposing offshore works had been begun in 1852 in order to widen the harbour at the outer and its defence against the metereological elements in the II, III and IV quadrant. The Rectilinear dam and the greatful curvilinear dam, finished in 1858, the dam of the Vegliaia, in the southern part, was completed in 1900, while the dams of the Marzocco and of the Meloria was built in 1908. The works for the Industrial Port began in 1924 and it had been completed in 1940 in order to finish the appearance of the local port. |