Crunchy and tasty, the mashed Tuscan is a delicacy to be savored at any time of day to delight your palate to a snack of good taste. Baked, seasoned with olive oil and salt, is a delicacy unique and unrivaled flavor, for the most refined, the crushed can also be stuffed with sausage tasted like sausage, ham, and, last but not least, bologna, food that contributes to intensify the flavor of crushed constituting an irresistible combination. As the most famous delicacies, including the crushed can of course be found on variants known to Messina and Catania, the dunk is made with bread dough filled with tuma cheese, potatoes, broccoli (or cauliflower), sausage, tomatoes, onion, pepper , oil, salt or other ingredients that help to make it all still very tasty. |