Related to the piadina, the crescia indicates some types of flatbreads popular in the Marches and Umbria. For probable common origins with the piadina regarding the use of bread, crescia is still a delicacy whose ingredients vary depending on the area of production: crescia Urbino, for example, (also called crescia pastry, Crostolo or, more rarely, pastry flatbread) is distinguished by the use of flour, eggs, water, lard, salt and pepper and, generally, is savored with hot sausage, herbs, ham, pork loin or cheese, or, according to another variant (the Crostolo Urbania) wheat flour is replaced with polenta which remains attached to the cauldron. In the province of Ancona, crescia prepared with the same dough for bread, and is usually grilled or in a more traditional version, in the embers. We usually eat with greens, although for the most demanding, can be tasted with cured meats such as pork loin, sausage and ham. in the province of Macerata, and in the area of Gubbio, crescia is made with bread dough, but it has a consistency similar to that of crushed Tuscany. Round, with the rim broken and with dimples on the surface is flavored with oil, salt, onion and rosemary. In the inland areas of the province of Ascoli Piceno, now far away from the area of Byzantine rule, the crescia gives way to the stuffed focaccia, or Chichì filling highest crescia and richly filled. A unique delicacy that can satisfy the most demanding palate. |