The Sanremo Music Festival
An annual event famous throughout Italy, the Sanremo Festival is an appointment that those who love Italian music can't miss at the Ariston Theatre.
Born in 1951, the Festival was conducted at the Casino at first, and it had been broadcasted by radio untill 1954; during those years, it had prompetd the Eurofestival; moreover, there are other various collateral events in the Flowers City for the occasion of the most famous singing event in the whole peninsula; amongst them you can notice the Sanremoff that takes place not far from the theatre and that is purposefully prepared for the event. As if that it wasn't enough, there's also a maxischermo in the piazza where you can attend the famous TV show. If you go to Sanremo during the Festival you'll undoubtedly feel surrounded by fun in a cheerful and amusing atmosphere.
A good occasion that must not be messed only by people who love music. The annual event takes place at the end of February or the first days of March. The atmosphere you can catch during this period is undoubtedly funny and festive, ideal for those people who are going to spend one or more days far from the same old routine by walking surrounded by the festive people that had reached the pleasant Ligurian city for the event in order to enjoy the spectacular Festival by the giant screen at night; as if that it wasn't enough, you can also enjoy yourselves in the various pavilions that are purposefully prepared in this period. That's only a part of what is waiting for you in the splendid town of the Flowers Riviera. So, if you like good music, the cheerfulness and the amusement, the town will be undoubtedly able to satisfy all your demands during the festival. |