Globe Holidays
If you are going to prepare a dinner or a lunch full of elegant and refined good taste and good food, the cannelloni are undoubtedly what is right for you: the cylindrical type of pasta, cannelloni are usually consumed with a savory stuffing which may include cheese, ricotta cheese, spinach and minced meat, and then be covered with a sauce of fresh tomato sauce or white sauce, and finally, they are baked. Once baked, cannelloni are ready to be served and tasted the dish that is tral'altro good looking addition to having a really unique flavor. A plate of quality can not miss with a glass of fine wine red or white, for those who love the taste of loving each other even at the table.
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
  • Cannelloni
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