Pizza fritta
With endive, ricotta, sugar, baked with anchovies, mozzarella, or in other ways, the fried pizza is a food typical of the cuisine of Lazio and Campania, especially up to Rieti amateur. Similar in appearance to the Emilian fried dumplings, the fried pizzas Lazio and can be eaten with other equally delicious cold meats like ham, sausage or pork loin. Due to the swelling which exhibit the pizzas when they are fried, can be filled with companatico and, sometimes, can also be seasoned with sweet chocolate cream after being possibly sprinkled with sugar. In Neapolitan tradition, however, the fried pizza is the name used to designate actually fried calzone (the traditional preparation involves the use of ricotta, salami and pork scratching) which obviously differs from Lazio pizza the fried because those companies are not filled . In the typical tradition of Avellino, however, the fried pizza is the same as the one produced in Lazio, but the preparation involves the use of other ingredients such as rosemary and mint which help to give the food another fragrance and delicacy. Tasty fried to the point that the pizza is featured in numerous festivals that take place in Lazio for example the second Saturday of October in the province of Frosinone in Stratford during the festival of lying, where the pizzas are tasted simple the fried or stuffed with meat, cheese or vegetables. Still, the fried pizza is also the protagonist of festivals held in Cervaro (also in the province of Frosinone), Citerna (Perugia) in October and Cortona (Arezzo) in December |