A delicious dish soup is traditionally brewed and served in the various festivities of the year can whet the appetite of the gourmet palate and fine anyone who enjoys good food. The Anolini have a dish originating in the province of Piacenza and commonly used also in that of Parma, of which there is a variant of the province of Cremona known as marubini. Rich and complex, as many dishes in important festivals, the pot is being refined by the presence of ingredients that compose it: it is, in fact, a delicious egg noodles in soup or to taste after cooking in the broth that is seasoned with butter and, in particular in the culinary traditions Piacenza, the preparation involves the use of excellent broth for a good cooking of the pasta, in particular the capon broth, ideal to enhance the flavor of the pasta. Still, for a particular fragrance, the Anolino can also be cooked in the broth of the fourth, a succulent dish Piacenza consists of chicken, beef, beef fat and pork chop. Addition of the combination of cheese and a glass of red wine, in addition to satisfying the most discerning palates, the board will make very pleasant and refined at the sight of guests. In short, a perfect dish for those who love the taste of loving each other even at the table. |