The Massari Park
Near the famous Palazzo Massari there is the largest public park of Ferrara: Massari Park. This beautiful park was designed by the architect Luigi Bevilacqua Marquis Camillo Bertelli in 1780 and is remembered for the many sculptures that adorn and for its beautiful tree-lined streets where, who walked, remained entranced by the scent of citrus and flowering trees . The park was surrounded by a wall where it opened seven wonderful portals, one of them still recognizable. Towards the middle of 'the park became the property of 800 accounts Massari transformed its original appearance in a beautiful garden, an aspect that still remains intact. Today along its avenues we can still see beautiful flower beds of the '800, two different trees including cedars of Lebanon, a ginkgo, interest rates and a majestic oak.
The Pareschi Park
Beautiful garden in the origin of the Estense Palace, Parco Pareschi was built in the mid fifteenth century by Peter Benedict Orders and later expanded by Biagio Rossetti. In the middle of the next century, the garden and the Palace underwent further changes by order of Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este, who had also adorned with the beautiful painted melature walls around him. In the mid-nineteenth century the park and the palace became the property of Pareschi and replanted the garden, vegetable garden has become, in a beautiful garden, in fact, the garden is the palace to have their own name, which reported in Porec new splendor this attractive garden. The last owner was the Count Vittorio Cini in 1942 donated the property to Ferrara Pareschi which transformed in 1959 into new headquarters del'università. |