A delicious kind of cake ideal as a dessert for lunch or dinner with good taste, or simply to delight your palate at any time of day. Produced with different recipes that vary based on where they are produced, bocconotti are a typical dessert of the culinary tradition of Apulia, Calabria, Basilicata and Abruzzo. Basically made with puff pastry stuffed with various delicacies such as honey, royal jelly, custard, jam, Nutella or chocolate according to regional variations, the boconotti are a delicacy irresistible flavor for every palate. For those who love the intense flavors and fragrant, bocconotti type can also be salty, so stuffed with other ingredients such as mixtures of mushrooms, chicken giblets, sweetbreads and truffles, instead of the chocolate and almonds, while the pastry is replaced by puff pastry. Irresistible also the variation expected from the traditional recipe of Castel Bocconotto Frentano: filled with chocolate, cinnamon and toasted almonds (for which there un'lteriore variant, that of Castel Frentano which includes the addition of liquor Centerba), is ideal for those who love tastes sweet and intense. A filling of almonds and cherries, enclosed in the same compact housing, as is provided for by the traditional recipe from Puglia, while that of Bitonto (which goes back to the Benedictine nuns of Bitonto) provides a filling of ricotta and candied fruit and less sugar in the dough . Unique and incomparable flavor is bocconotto Calabria, which is distinguished by the delicacy due to filling that can be as much of the chocolate jam and dusted with powdered sugar. Another variant of the recipe is to bocconotti Amantea and Campora San Giovanni (which are called buccunottu), which has the outer pastry covered with powdered sugar with a filling of chocolate and chopped toasted almonds, sugar, cinnamon and cloves carnation and, generally, is prepared and eaten during the Easter holidays. |