Globe Holidays
A unique treat for those who wish the pleasures of good food to discover the flavors of German cuisine. The Weißwurst is a tasty sausage flavor irresistible meat of veal and pork bellies, and is characterized by whitish color. Mostly, Weißwurst belongs to the Bavarian cuisine, especially in Monaco of Bavaria and, in general, is prepared early in the morning then boiled and served as a snack mid-morning and, for the gourmet palate more refined, is not to be missed accompanied with sweet mustard , pretzels and wheat beer. Still, it is irresistible for those who love intense flavors, the variation of Silesia, which prepared mainly in the holiday season, stands out for its preparation that involves the use of the same ingredients, but more finely ground, mixed with eggs and refined with wine white, which helps to enhance the flavor.
  • Weißwurst
  • Weißwurst
  • Weißwurst
  • Weißwurst
  • Weißwurst
  • Weißwurst
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