From the shape is not dissimilar to that of kebabs, the burrito is a typical food of the Mexican culinary tradition that spread to the United States with many variations in ingredients, tends to divulgarsi in other parts of the world. A tortilla of wheat flour filled by a cylindrical shape which, after being heated on a grid (as happens for the kebab), wraps beef, chicken or pork thus becoming a street food that can be enjoyed substantial walking the streets of the city. Generally, in Mexico, the filling of the burrito is made with the use of meat or refried beans, which, therefore, are the only ingredient of the filling, the filling while the United States may require the use of other ingredients such as white rice , refried beans (or beans), lettuce, salsa, meat, avocado, cheese and sour cream, presenting smaller than the bulky Mexican burrito. The burrito, (whose name means donkey and that probably comes from the shape of the ear of the animal) is, to be precise, a native of Ciudad Juarez, (a city in the state of Chihuahua in northern Mexico), where you can buy refreshed in or near the stalls you may encounter along the way. |