Globe Holidays
Traditionally made from taramas, the salted and cured roe of the cod or the carp, the taramosalata is a delicious dish of Turkish, Greek and Israeli culinary tradition, and is part of the mezze, antipasti spread throughout the southern area of the Mediterranean, often served on plates. The eggs are mixed with lemon juice, onions, garlic and olives and spreads all on crostini, and thus provide an irresistible delight. It is no coincidence that it is widespread even in France, where you can find addzionali with ingredients such as cream, mashed potatoes, and gelatin, which increases consistency. The type of eggs used for the preparation of the plate determines the color, in each case inviting and tasty and, as a rule, is consumed spread on a slice of bread or vegetables, such as tomato, cucumber and olives. A unique delicacy for those who love intense flavors and delicious.
  • Taramosalata
  • Taramosalata
  • Taramosalata
  • Taramosalata
  • Taramosalata
  • Taramosalata
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