Pyramids of Meroe
Located not far from the Nile, the Pyramids of Meroe deserve to be visited by lovers of history, archeology and who goes on holiday in Sudan. An archaeological site is located about 6 km north-east of the station Kabushiya near Shendi (Sudan), about 200 km north of the capital Khartoum. With nearly 200 pyramids, the site of Meroe (ancient city exactly located on the east bank of the Nile) has pyramids, some of them in ruins, divided into three groups. It is not a cao that the site has been declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2011. Although smaller current than the Egyptian pyramids of Meroe are nonetheless able to exercise a fascination decided and determined in the eyes of the beholder: rich in history, these magnificent pyramids are witness to a glorious past of the city, where it is lacking for precisely the obvious Egyptian influence. If some archaeological excavations have brought to light the presence of important tombs (in the western necropolis) already in Napata period (800 BC - 280 BC) of the state, Meroe grew in importance with the shift to the south of the capital (Meroitic period) carried out during the kingdom of Arrakkamani (or possibly earlier, during the reign of Aspelta), so that from 280 BC the royal necropolis was moved from Napata to Meroe, thus completing the transfer. A fascinating place shrouded in mystery and a magical atmosphere, ideal for those who want to make a leap into the past to discover the wonderful artifacts that bear witness to a glorious past. |