Leptis Magna
Rich in history, Leptis Magna is an unmissable tourist destination that deserves to be visited by lovers of history, culture and those who go to visit the beautiful Libyan capital. Do not randomly inserted between the World Heritage, this wonderful town, whose ruins are part of a very rich archaeological site, was founded by the Phoenicians around 1100 BC, but failed to become a power in the Mediterranean Sea East before the fourth century BC Ripped later by the Romans to the Carthaginians during the Third Punic War, the city acquired the nickname magna during the Roman period, and soon became a major Roman cities of Africa and reached its apogee with Septimius Severus, a general, a native Leptis Magna, and that opened the Severan dynasty was a generous engine dell'abbellimento of his hometown. Among the monuments must for travelers to visit Leptis Magna are undoubtedly the arch of Septimius Severus (one of the most famous monuments of the city), the impressive Baths of Hadrian, the Temple of the Nymphs, and much more. |